Why subscribe to The Human Workforce?

Industry spent the 19th and 20th centuries trying to get labor to perform like robots. Most organizations still operate under outdated concepts of work shaped during the early industrial revolution.

It’s still your great grandfather's organization. Modern day work scenarios are based on societal norms formed during the industrial revolution. The formation of concepts such as the workday, the factory setting, productivity, management, and working conditions were created at a time when society was very different. Organizations have failed to keep pace with evolving society norms, leaving workers stuck in a time warp from days long past. Today there are more women in the workforce and they are serving as the primary or only breadwinner. There are more single parent families, with 40 percent of households headed by women. Many kids are more active and scheduled, making them less available to help out with household chores. All of this means that today’s workers are trying to live modern day lives while working in organizations designed for early industrial age workers. Something’s got to give, and one thing is quickly proving true and that’s people are going to choose life over work.

The most admired companies of the 21st century will be those that can reform the grossly outdated line of thinking about work. Humans have incredible intellect, creativity and powerful collaborative abilities. Work should bring out these attributes in ways that enrich humans and allow them to bring the very best of who they are to everything they do!

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Improving the Human Condition @ Work...One Experience at a Time


Humans @ Work Strategist working to improve the human condition at work... One eXperience at a time 💫